
Release 7.1.0-M14

You can consume all the Activiti artifacts for this release from Alfresco Nexus:


Activiti Cloud:


Activiti Core


In the milestone 7.1.0-M14 you will find the following main fixes & features:

  • Split messages containing CloudProcessDeployedEvent: Previously,the runtime bundle was using a single message to aggregate PROCESS_DEPLOYED events for each process definition deployed in the runtime bundle (including all their versions). Taking into account that this event is also including the associated process definition file, the message can become very large depending on how many process definitions and how many versions are available for a given runtime bundle.

    In order to avoid large messages, starting from version 7.1.0-M14, PROCESS_DEPLOYED events are split into several messages when it's necessary. The default chunk size is 100 events per message, it can be customized by setting the system property activiti.cloud.runtime-bundle.events-properties.chunk-size or the environment variable ACTIVITI_CLOUD_RUNTIMEBUNDLE_EVENTSPROPERTIES_CHUNKSIZE. In addition to that, the logic has been updated and only the latest version of a given process definition is emmiting events.

Last updated