7.0.0 Beta3
This is our first 2 weeks release sprint where we focused on closing some important issues. You can find the full list here
These release moved us one step forward to work on tasks related to guarantee that the services are all consistent and are working as expected. As a result from Beta3 we are now ready to work on Conformance and Acceptance Tests which will provide forward compatibility when we add more building blocks (and alternative blocks) to our core services.
There are no major changes on Beta3 which require migration from Beta2 so you are safe to upgrade and everything should just work. You can find the published Beta3 artifacts in Maven Central and the tagged Docker Images in Docker Hub.
Also our HELM charts (activiti-cloud-full-example version 0.4.0) were upgraded to use Beta3 Docker Images.
If you find any issues with Beta3 please create an issue here. Or get in touch via Gitter.
We will be aiming for Beta4 by the end of November and you can track progress here.
As mentioned before we will be working on stability and automating our test suites for the Cloud approach, this includes the generation, build and publishing of Docker Images and HELM charts.
This is a great time to get involved to help us with the Beta testing process, integrating with your favourite Open Source projects and learning about the technology stack that we are using to build these amazing tools. If you are ready for a big challenge get in touch via Gitter.
Consuming Beta3 Docker Images
As with Beta2, Docker images are published at https://hub.docker.com/u/activiti/ under the 7.0.0.Beta3
For deployment to Kubernetes, Helm charts are provided in https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts and these can be consumed using the https://activiti.github.io/activiti-cloud-charts/ charts repository, as suggested in https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts/blob/master/activiti-cloud-full-example/README.md
With Beta2 the charts version moved to 0.4.x
To enable the modeling UI, add:
To the myvalues.yaml file used for deployment of the full example. Access the modeling UI on the /activiti-cloud-modeling
path of the gateway host.
Migration of Projects Built on Beta1
The version of maven aritfact activiti-cloud-dependencies
should be upgraded to 7.0.0.Beta3
Last updated