7.0.0 Beta2

What Is Included In Beta2?

Beta2 adds the first version of the modeling UI, built on Angular. This can be used to design and export process definitions and applications, which can then be run in Activiti 7 runtime bundles.

Consuming Beta2 Docker Images

As with Beta1, Docker images are published at https://hub.docker.com/u/activiti/ under the 7.0.0.Beta2 tag.

For deployment to Kubernetes, Helm charts are provided in https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts and these can be consumed using the https://activiti.github.io/activiti-cloud-charts/ charts repository, as suggested in https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts/blob/master/activiti-cloud-full-example/README.md

With Beta2 the charts version moved to 0.3.x

To enable the modeling UI, add:

  enabled: true

To the myvalues.yaml file used for deployment of the full example. Access the modeling UI on the /activiti-cloud-modeling path of the gateway host.

Migration of Projects Built on Beta1

The version of maven aritfact activiti-cloud-dependencies should be upgraded to 7.0.0.Beta2 and its group should be changed from org.activiti.cloud to org.activiti.cloud.dependencies.

The maven groupId for activiti-cloud-starter-runtime-bundle

The maven groupId for activiti-cloud-services-common-security-keycloak has become org.activiti.cloud.common.

The maven groupId for activiti-cloud-starter-query has become org.activiti.cloud.query.

The maven groupId for activiti-cloud-starter-audit has become org.activiti.cloud.audit

There are also some maven groupId and java package changes for Activiti Core modules, which can be seen in https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-examples/compare/7.0.0.Beta1...7.0.0.Beta2?expand=1&w=1

Last updated