7.0.0 Beta5

You can find the full list of Beta5 issues here

Main Features and fixed issues:

  • Activiti Core: JSON Serialization of Process Variables is now the default option. Java Serialization can be configured but it is not the default anymore.

  • Activiti Core: Process Variables definition initial iteration

  • Activiti Core new APIs to add and remove candidate users and groups from tasks

  • Activiti Core: more conformance tests added (Set 3 and Set 4)

  • Activiti Cloud: Apache Kafka interoperability with Spring Cloud Streams support in configuration

  • Activiti Cloud: improved filters in Audit Service and alignment on Cloud Events Data

  • Activiti Cloud: Cloud Events metadata decoration in Runtime Bundle

  • Activiti Cloud: more acceptance tests added

You can find the published Beta5 artifacts in Maven Central and the tagged Docker Images in Docker Hub.


Also our HELM charts (activiti-cloud-full-example version 0.6.0) were upgraded to use Beta4 Docker Images.

If you find any issues with Beta5 please create an issue here. Or get in touch via Gitter.

We will be aiming for RC1 by the end of December and you can track progress here.

This is a great time to get involved to help us with the Beta testing process, integrating with your favourite Open Source projects and learning about the technology stack that we are using to build these amazing tools. If you are ready for a big challenge get in touch via Gitter.

Consuming Beta5 Docker Images

As with Beta3, Docker images are published at https://hub.docker.com/u/activiti/ under the 7.0.0.Beta5 tag.

For deployment to Kubernetes, Helm charts are provided in https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts and these can be consumed using the https://activiti.github.io/activiti-cloud-charts/ charts repository, as suggested in https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts/blob/master/activiti-cloud-full-example/README.md

With Beta5 the charts version moved to 0.6.x

To enable the modeling UI, add:

  enabled: true

To the myvalues.yaml file used for deployment of the full example. Access the modeling UI on the /activiti-cloud-modeling path of the gateway host.

Migration of Projects Built on Beta4

The version of maven aritfact activiti-cloud-dependencies should be upgraded to 7.0.0.Beta5

Known issues

Currently Spring HATEOAS output for Activiti Cloud services is incorrectly showing cluster-internal URLs for self links. This is a bug in Spring HATEOAS for which the fix has not yet been released (at the time of writing). We expect this issue to go away when we upgrade to Spring Cloud Greenwich.RELEASE.

Last updated